Wednesday, August 21, 2013


When is the time you feel sooo alive??
Well, I feel that way when I laugh XD
Not just ordinary laugh, it's a laugh I rarely do
The time when you laugh until you can't
Until your voice vanished and your cheekbones hurt so good
And before you know it, you cry in your laughter

In my senior high school life, it has been a loong time since I laughed like this
And I actually did it yesterday morning, in biology class
Even though we would have a math test that afternoon
which I think is the reason that....
All of my classmate acted and answered the teacher unpredictably ridiculous
Until the teacher didn't know what to do anymore
It's just too noisy and funny
Too... alive!

It made my day despite of the s math test
I am thankful for this kind of class I am in
my tenth-grade class was also like this...
but I think this class would be much much more.. insane XD

Monday, August 19, 2013


That's what my friends use to call people who don't talk much, don't interact much with other people.
Anti-social. Anti sosial in Indonesian, ansos as brief.
I call them us, introverts.

Yes, I am one of them.
I don't talk much with many people.
Maybe I can, but in some times, I need to be alone.

One of my 'extrovert' friend suggested me to socialize myself.
Try to talk with , try to blend with other friends.
And I really have tried to do it.
But it is just.... not me.
As you may guess, I couldn't stay long in that position.

And then, one of my best friend gave a song for me to hear.
It's from Glee, titled You Have More Friends Than You Know.
It's a wonderful song, very touching.
It made me realize for the friends I have now.

And at last I thanked my 'extrovert' friend and declared that I am happy!
It's enough for me, with the hilarious friends and colorful life I have now.
Even though I know my friends, including me, are somewhat freaks! No kidding XP
We are just... who we are :)

Don't be afraid because your friends aren't much.
Cherish who you are with now
 It's gonna be okay, you have more friends than you know 

Saturday, August 17, 2013


Hari ini ialah hari ulang tahun Republik Indonesia yang ke-68, dan karena itu, saya akan menulis pos ini juga dalam Bahasa Indonesia.

Dalam hari yang penuh semangat ini, saya akan membagikan pendapat saya tentang lagu kebangsaan Indonesia yang penuh arti...

"Indonesia Raya"
Lagu nasional menceritakan kehidupan bangsa.
Saya senang sekali dengan lagu nasional Indonesia yang diadopsi dari lagu "Indonesia Raja" (ejaan lama) ini.
Terima kasih W. R. Supratman atas jasanya menciptakan lagu yang membanggakan ini.

Saya pernah diberitahukan bahwa lagu kebangsaan Indonesia berbeda dari lagu-lagu kebangsaan yang lain, dan setelah saya mendengarnya, saya sangat setuju dengan pernyataan tersebut!
Lagu ini memiliki musikalitas yang beragam, jika kita dengar di awal lagu, melodi yang digunakan naik lalu turun - naik lalu turun, tetapi secara keseluruhan nada tersebut naik seolah-olah ingin memperkenalkan kita kepada Indonesia. Dilanjutkan dengan melodi yang dinamis  di tengah yang membawa kita memuncak di refrain. Refrain dengan nada yang tinggi membuat lagu ini megah, kata-katanya juga memberi semangat dan ikut memberi kesan kebanggaan.

Saya sangat bangga ketika menyanyikan lagu ini, perasaan saya berkobar dan penuh semangat.
Perasaan sedih juga terasa mengingat keadaan negeri ini sekarang.
Tetapi Indonesia tetaplah negeri yang sangat saya cintai dan banggakan!!
Saya tidak akan menyerah untuk memajukan bangsa ini, meskipun hanya beberapa cm saja.


Thursday, August 8, 2013

Moving Forward

I was reading Michael Scott's "The Magician (The Secrets of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel)". I have read this book for a long time now but I haven't finished it. The last time I read this book was about... 4 or 5 months ago?! And the story then was so exciting, full of magic and mysteries. The life of the twins, Sophie and Josh (main character in the book) were completely changed by the encounter with Nicholas Flamel and Perenelle. Since they have been told they were special, their life had become very adventurous and dangerous.

The following chapter, which I read just now, was a dialog of the twins. Josh was checking his emails (after a few days because his laptop was destroyed in one of the battles), there were emails from their worried parents (who were archaeologists that traveled around the world and haven't known what has happened) and much more. They talked and laughed like ordinary people, like they used to, before all of those things happened. The twins really enjoyed that time. Josh actually felt close to his sister again. He was scared of his sister sometimes since her sister's powers awakened, he even didn't know his sister once before. There, I really felt how they felt.

Remembering the old times, before all happened, before the time started to felt much faster than it was. Such a nice life, isn't it? But the fact is... It has happened, all the things in their life, all the things in our life. And what we can do now is... keep moving forward. Because...