Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Pancasila... Belongs to whom?

Last Tuesday, we, 3rd grade senior high school students from IPEKA Puri Indah started our study tour to a village in Jogja, Turgo Village. We left Jakarta at 6 am and arrived at the village around 10 pm. The village was cold and dark. We lived in the villagers' house for two nights and did lots of activities there. I lived in Mr. Bambang's house, his wife is Mrs. Tuti and they have 2 children, Beti and Wawan. The food was very delicious, especially the spicy tomato sauce. I  talked with Mrs. Tuti quite a lot, she told me stories about the village. How they live simply and very close to each other. Even with the diversity between them, their religions, their job, etc. but their bonds are stronger. Once Mrs. Tuti told me that villagers helped other villagers with different religion build their worship places.
Sounded like the foundation of the lovely country, Pancasila, is in the villagers heart and mindset:
1. Ketuhanan yang Maha Esa. (Belief in the divinity of God)
2. Kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab. (Just and civilized humanity)
3. Persatuan Indonesia. (The unity of Indonesia)
4. Kerakyatan yang dipimpin oleh hikmat kebijaksanaan dalam permusyawaratan perwakilan. (Democracy guided by the inner wisdom in the unanimity arising out of deliberations amongst representatives)
5. Keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia. (Social justice for all of the people of Indonesia)

Then, I remember about the town I've lived in. Jakarta. It's like the contrary of Mrs. Tuti's story. Just a few know another, people are so passive and insensitive. What's worse is people can't accept diversities between them, some against others. Helping people from other religion build worship places?? Oh what happened is some people burned worship places from other religion. Everyone focus only to themselves. Such a grief.

Why? Jakarta is still in Indonesia, right?
Why can't I see Pancasila as the foundation for people especially in Jakarta?
Belongs to Indonesia? 
Belongs to some part of Indonesia? 
Belongs to whom?

My Bucket List

Have you ever seen the movie "Bucket List"?
Well, at school we watched it and was assigned to make our own bucket list before we finish high school.

So, here is my bucket list:
1. Create a new song
2. Make scores for the songs created
3. Open a bank account
4. Around Jakarta by TransJakarta with friends
5. Travel by train
6. Go to Salatiga, swim and see the sunrise from the top of the hill
7. Learn to ride motorcycle
8. Teach music
9. Teach school lessons to children
10. Try my best to enter UI, Universitas Indonesia (Indonesia University)
11. Finish at least one book given
12. Make jacket for peer group
13. Tattooed