I don't have any purpose writing this, maybe it is just a way to let out my frustration.
To be honest, I'm pretty happy today!
I went to school, had a PE test and biology practicum.
After that, I left other classes to make driver licence!
I have waited for this since my birthday and at last I made it!
There is a task that I skipped, well.. I didn't actually skip it..
So.. I was supposed to give my receipt to the man and he keep it for sometime, then he'd call my name, give the receipt and I'd do the next task.
But what happen was.. The queue was empty when I gave my receipt so the man didn't keep it and gave it back to me directly. But what I know is I was supposed to be called, so I waited.. and waited.. until an hour passed!! Then, I began to wonder why my name wasn't called for long, and the next minute I realized that I could have done the next task from an hour before!
This incident really annoyed me, I was really disappointed for not realizing it earlier.
When I arrived, I saw my friend in front of my house, brought a pile of papers that was really familiar to me, the proposal.
-At school, there is a really big project that is held by all of the grade 12 students. I was chosen to be the secretary that handle all of the letters including "the proposal"-
She told me the errors and have to be corrected, plus printed for tomorrow. More work to do
Not more than an hour after that, I have to go to my Germany course so I brought my laptop with me.
Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my cellphone and it was really frustrating!
Thank God for wifi and the library which has wifi!
I corrected the errors while going there and as soon as I arrive, I immediately searched for wifi and sent the proposal to my friends to be checked.
Break time! I checked my email and there was no response.. Oh man, tonight will be another long night..
Home sweet home! Cellphone sweet cellphone! Wifi sweet wifi!
At last there was a response..
I made a few revision, and even though it was not finished because the incompleteness of the data, I stopped.
I sent it to my friends and leave it to them for printing -I run out of ink because of that proposal- so I could continue to study... biology
Yes, I do have a test tomorrow.. I really hope my mind could still work tomorrow.
P.S. Well, this is about yesterday. I write this until it's today. Do you get what I mean?
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Monday, July 29, 2013
My Journey at Junior Alley
There are many paintings -17 to be exact after the last 2 paintings- I made when I'm a Junior Alley. And I will show some of them that was really memorable to me :)
Lightning Dragon - 22 September 2011
Well, I took the model from a game that I played, DragonFable -well, I will post about this later on XD-.
Dining Out - 5 October 2011
I had difficulties painting this one, and that's the first time I asked for help and there I met my becoming mentor, DR2.
Parrot's Pirate - 11 October 2011
There are auctions with themes, and that time, the theme was pirates. I was confused what to draw but at last I thought of something ridiculous, that is the Parrot's Pirate.
Pretty Face - 15 October 2011
This was a PBN I chose and it was really challenging. Well, if you look and the real reference picture, this is was different from it, but I was shocked back then. So, a famous artist made a blog and he showcased paintings in the blog. He wrote a forum for all to suggest which paintings to be showcased that month. And yes, that month someone suggested this painting and it became one of the showcased paintings. I was extremely happy!
Lightning Dragon - 22 September 2011
Well, I took the model from a game that I played, DragonFable -well, I will post about this later on XD-.
Dining Out - 5 October 2011
I had difficulties painting this one, and that's the first time I asked for help and there I met my becoming mentor, DR2.
Parrot's Pirate - 11 October 2011
There are auctions with themes, and that time, the theme was pirates. I was confused what to draw but at last I thought of something ridiculous, that is the Parrot's Pirate.
Pretty Face - 15 October 2011
This was a PBN I chose and it was really challenging. Well, if you look and the real reference picture, this is was different from it, but I was shocked back then. So, a famous artist made a blog and he showcased paintings in the blog. He wrote a forum for all to suggest which paintings to be showcased that month. And yes, that month someone suggested this painting and it became one of the showcased paintings. I was extremely happy!
Friday, July 12, 2013
I played an online game in the past called Audition -in Indonesia, it's Audition Ayodance-. I believe most of you haven't known it, so it's a dancing game from Korea, here's some of the screenshots I still have XD
As you can see, that's my character! o--FruiT-Tea--o was the name, but we could change our names by buying something lol! The 7th name I used -XP- was Zwischen-spieL. I forgot how I picked that name. I haven't learnt German at the time -fyi I am learning German now because I want to study music there! =D- so I guess it's a lucky pick!
Yesterday, I attended my German course and I learn the word zwischen which means between. It reminded me of my character name Zwischen-spieL. I wonder if there is a meaning for it.. So then I asked uncle Google and my hunch was right! It does have a meaning. In German, zwischen means between, spiel means game, match -and those similar things- and zwischenspiel means intermezzo, interlude -it's a music term when there is music instrumental between repeated songs or 2 songs combined-. I can't believe it! It was such a coincidence -well, I've heard that there are no coincidence in this world XD- that I chose the word as my character name in the past!
As I recall, I do love to hear interludes because I think the expression of one's music comes out there whatever the songs are and I find those interludes interesting because we could see the uniqueness of every musician within the short period.
Oh how I love music even more!
As you can see, that's my character! o--FruiT-Tea--o was the name, but we could change our names by buying something lol! The 7th name I used -XP- was Zwischen-spieL. I forgot how I picked that name. I haven't learnt German at the time -fyi I am learning German now because I want to study music there! =D- so I guess it's a lucky pick!
Yesterday, I attended my German course and I learn the word zwischen which means between. It reminded me of my character name Zwischen-spieL. I wonder if there is a meaning for it.. So then I asked uncle Google and my hunch was right! It does have a meaning. In German, zwischen means between, spiel means game, match -and those similar things- and zwischenspiel means intermezzo, interlude -it's a music term when there is music instrumental between repeated songs or 2 songs combined-. I can't believe it! It was such a coincidence -well, I've heard that there are no coincidence in this world XD- that I chose the word as my character name in the past!
As I recall, I do love to hear interludes because I think the expression of one's music comes out there whatever the songs are and I find those interludes interesting because we could see the uniqueness of every musician within the short period.
Oh how I love music even more!
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Becoming a Junior at Artistic Alley
As I posted before, I got mail from LS7 -lol, nickname mode on :v- and was invited to join Artistic Alley! -Junior section, of course- I was really happy and excited! After entering the world of arts, I realized that it is a really famous community!
If you didn't open the link directing to the forum thread above, briefly it's the community where you can develop your painting with PBN -Paint By Number- programme. There, we're given reference pictures and we could pick one and start painting! After you finished, you can take another reference picture.. but!! it's limited, sooo you have to be quick because someone else could take what you want! Also, if you have trouble, there are mentors who can help you! The paintings that were made will be auctioned and you can earn money! XP
Let's continue, for the first time auctioning, I hanged 2 paintings
In His Time - 14 September 2011
Actually, this is a double board painting -you could see it, right?-, I searched the reference picture myself, the background was totally different but I'm pretty glad with those hands.
Mickey and The Letter - 18 September 2011
This painting is my first PBN! All this time, I haven't known the function of the drawing application, so I still use 100% opacity in all of my paintings but I guess it was the reason why this painting turns out well! I did make a lot of money in this one, I was quite shock myself XD!
More paintings
Back to SW! After those 3, I painted 2 more paintings
Young Natsu Dragneel - 3 September 2011
I loved Fairy Tail and this is the main character. I chose this scene because I taught Natsu was cute (I haven't known Laxus at the time so... XD)
Atlantic Dolphin - 6 September 2011
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Mary's Song
I joined a camp for youth community in my church and at the second day, I did my morning devotion. Actually there was a guide for the morning devotion but I didn't take it because I didn't know XD! So, I ended up reading a different passage than it should be.
I was quite shock when I first read it because even though it's about Mary and it seems common to hear passages from Luke (like in preaches or cell groups sharing), I've never heard this passage been exposed before, it's like reading for the first time for me. I wonder why..
This passage actually gave me such enlightenment. I've known that Mary was still so young when she got the good news, but seeing her rejoicing in the passage really amazed me of how she think and feel -it's not like an ordinary girl would think-.
First, I could see how happy and humble she was and how she lifted God up so high!
Then, I could see how the virgin really cared for others
Getting this much at the morning devotion, I couldn't stop rejoicing God! And I think again what have I done all this time. Being from a well-off family and surroundings, did I see others below me below me?
What were my reactions when I meet them?
What did I think about them?
I changed my perspective and also made a commitment about how I will react in my future life.
Luke 1: 46-56
"Mary's Song"
This passage actually gave me such enlightenment. I've known that Mary was still so young when she got the good news, but seeing her rejoicing in the passage really amazed me of how she think and feel -it's not like an ordinary girl would think-.
First, I could see how happy and humble she was and how she lifted God up so high!
46 And Mary said:
"My soul glorifies the Lord
47 and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
48 for he has been mindful
of the humble state of his servant.
From now on all generations will call me blessed,
49 for the Mighty One has done great things for me-
holy is his name.
50 His mercy extends to those who fear him,
from generation to generation.
Then, I could see how the virgin really cared for others
51 He has performed mighty deeds with his arm;I couldn't stop thinking how Mary could see this in a very young age. It's not like what people would think, it's not like what I would think XD, but honestly.. it really amazed me and made me realize that it is true! Mary has seen it! The core of salvation! Like what happened to Israel:
he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts.
52 He has brought down rulers from their thrones
but has lifted up the humble.
53 He has filled the hungry with good things
but has sent the rich away empty.
54 he has helped his servant Israel,
remembering to be merciful
55 to Abraham and his descendants forever,
just as he promised our ancestors."
Getting this much at the morning devotion, I couldn't stop rejoicing God! And I think again what have I done all this time. Being from a well-off family and surroundings, did I see others below me below me?
What were my reactions when I meet them?
What did I think about them?
I changed my perspective and also made a commitment about how I will react in my future life.
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