Do you know the greatest gift a parent can give to a child?
Independence. To allow them go out into the world and make their own decisions, travel their own paths.
-Hekate, The Enchantress be Michael Scott, p 212
I believe that my parents is one of the protective parents
They were kind of a dictator when I was in Primary School -they still are, but just sometimes now-
They started to negotiate with us -me and my big brother- when I was in Junior High School
And now, I'm still in Senior High School btw, I could feel a bit of that independence
I also believe that my parents are approaching the ideal parents
Yes, they often make mistakes
But they're working real hard on it
Eventually, I really adore them as parents
I like cars, eventhough I don't like to know how it works or it's machines
I like to drive, I started to hold the wheels when I'm in third grade primary school and started to drive for real when I'm in the sixth grade
I made my car -my dad's car- hurt twice
Because of the second time, I stopped driving for almost 2 years
But then I drove again
I'm 17 and I've had a driving license
Until now, I've drove the car 5 times alone -well, I'm not really alone, but my dad weren't there so I count it as alone-
Maybe it seems natural
But for me, it's like a signal they've started to give me that independence
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