Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Message

I've heard many preaches this Christmas
From youth communities in church
From church's Christmas celebration
And I felt somehow it was all connected

Dec 15: Youth Community's Christmas

"The Simplicity of Christmas"

AH preached from Philippians 2 : 1 - 8
He underlined verse 6 - 8
Where Jesus came down from Heaven to the earth to be human
More than that, to be the lowest from the human
For what? To save humankind

And He did it in simple ways
The preacher gave 3 very different examples:
  1. The shepherds - Luke 2 : 8 - 15
  2. Paul - Acts 9 : 1 - 9
  3. Samaritan woman - John 4 : 1 - 26
For the shepherds whose status were the lowest at that time, the Angels appeared and told them "Do not be afraid...." (10) It happened when the shepherds were watching their flocks (8) which they do everyday -it was an ordinary task to do. That alone made them believe.

For Saul -the name before Paul, it's totally different. God had to make it hard, because Saul is hard. God even made him blind for 3 days (9). This happened when Paul were doing his job, murdering Lord's disciples (1-2). This, too, were ordinary task for him. After that, Paul totally changed and became God's servant to the end.

For the Samaritan woman, Jesus went and spoke to her Himself. This, too, happened when the woman was doing her ordinary task, to draw water (7). But she specially came at noon, because of a certain reason, she had been married 5 times and the man she was with was not her husband (17-18).

These 3 different people, God showed His love in unique ways, different for each of them, but in simple ways, while they were doing their ordinary tasks. And for each of them, He showed His love, His great and same love which He showed to us as well.

Dec 21: Teen Community's Christmas

"The Greatest Gift of Christmas"

The same preacher with different topic
Now AH preached from Matthew 2 : 1 - 12
The greatest gift as may you have expected is Jesus' birth
And His humbleness to save us, human

But what interests me in the preach is he underlined for whom the invitation was
The invitation to see Jesus, the newborn King
And he mentioned Herod
Herod was also invited to see Jesus' birth
He was even closer geographically than the Magi from the east

The Magi told Herod that they saw the star leading them to where Jesus was born (2)
Even the priests and teachers of the law confirmed it (4-5)
But that wicked Herod, he didn't want anybody to have his throne
So he rejected that greatest gift

Dec 24: Christmas Eve's Celebration 

"The Road to Bethlehem"

Here, the preacher JS underlined Joseph and Mary's big responsibility to bring Jesus to Bethlehem
How they struggled on the road
Even until they have arrived at Bethlehem
Searching for a place to give birth
Gave birth and put the Baby in a stable

Dec 25: Christmas' Celebration

"Believing the Impossible"

And at last, the preacher YC also preached from Philippians 2 : 3 - 10
But he preached in reverse
He started from verse 8 - 10 : Jesus as man was lifted by God to be a god
Then he continue to verse 6 - 7 : Jesus a God became human
These two parts seemed opposite, is He the same in verse 8-10 and 6-7?
YC believes it's different

  • In verse 8-10, Jesus is a God in eternity; in verse 6-7, Jesus is a God in history
  • In verse 8-10, Jesus, objectively, is a God Himself; in verse 6-7, Jesus, subjectively, is a God

And then he continue to verse 3-5 : Jesus showed us the way of living in heaven
by not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. (4)
This, however, can not be done in this world
It can only be done in heaven
That's why Jesus came not only to show how to live
but also, to redeem humanity from sins and deaths
And that is what we celebrate at Christmas!!

 ♫ Man will live forevermore because of Christmas day ♫

Merry Christmas to all of you!

Family Bond

This year's Christmas was different than usual

It began when holiday came
I visited my cousin's (mom's side) house often, even though I only did it so I can play XP
Later I watched movie with him too!

A week before Christmas, my other cousins (mom's side) came to my house
They are from around Indonesia (3 different island; Java, Borneo, Maluku)
They met at my house and continue their vacation to Mount Puncak
After they got back from Puncak, they stayed in my house for a night
It was so crowded in my house, 10 people including my own family
I met my niece (from Borneo) for the first time!

That night, we celebrated Christmas, my other cousins (mom's side) came
Even my grandfather and grandmother (mom's side) came too
We stayed up late, sharing that precious moment
The next morning, they went to another city
Even just for a moment, but that night was unforgettable

At Christmas, we visited families from my dad's side
We celebrated Christmas too there
I met my new nephew for the first time as well

I felt very happy this year
I could really feel the bond of my family
They are strong, those bonds
I am grateful for the family I have

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

King Types - Fz

This scene is taken from one of my favorite anime, Fate/Zero. The story is about seven Master (human) are chosen to fight for the Holy Grail (it can fulfill whatever your wish is), these Masters can summon seven Servant (Heroic Spirit, usually someone that's great in the past) that are divided to 7 classes: Saber, Lancer, Archer, Rider, Caster, Assassin, Berserker.

This scene is taken from episode 11 "The Grail Dialogue"

From left: Saber, Archer, Rider

Rider (Iskander a.k.a Alexander the Great, King of Conquerors) was inviting Saber (King Arthur, King of Knights -although in the anime Saber is a woman) and Archer (Gilgamesh, King of Heroes) to a dialogue of which king suits the Holy Grail best.

My treasury houses only the finest drinks and the finest of swords. This alone should indicate which among us is the greatest of kings.

Archer. Your finest drink is, indeed, worthy of the finest vessel. Unfortunately, the Holy Grail is not a drinking cup. First, we must hear what wish you would have the Grail grant.

You are not ruler here, pretender. Already, you violate the rules dictating that we must fight for the Grail. To begin with, the Grail should already be mine. All of this world's treasures, without exception, trace their origin to my treasure house.

Then once you held the Grail? You would know it by sight?

No. Do not consider me as you would some lesser being. The amount of my wealth in my treasury long ago surpassed my own knowledge. But that is a treasure also means that it belongs to me. And any who would take it for themselves is naught but a thief.

Your words are no different than Caster's insane rants. It appears he isn't the only Servant to have gone mad.

Come, let's not go that far... I believe I've got a clue to what his real name is. But Archer, you surely have no true interest in the Grail itself, do you?

Of course not. But I must administer my judgement to those who would steal treasure from me. It's a matter of principle.

Huh. So then, Archer... Of what manner of duty and rules do you speak?

Of the law. The law I set down as king. you break the law, and I punish you. There is no place for discussion.

Which means, that all we have left to us is combat.

King of Conquest, you agreed that the Grail's rightful ownership lies with another, so will you take it by force? What makes the Holy Grail so important to you?

I wish for true incarnation.


(Rider's Master) Hey, wasn't you goal supposed to be world conquest-

Idiot. Even if magic lends us form in this world, ultimately, we remain Servants. I wish for rebirth, as a human, to live within the world in which I've arrived. And with nothing but my body, I shall defy both heaven and earth. The is the meaning of conquest. Thus it begins, then proceeds, and it finished. Such is the path of my conquest.

That is hardly fitting of how a king should be.

Then let us hear what you would say.

I wish for my homeland's salvation. With the omnipotent wish-granting device, I shall avert Britain's fate of destruction.

Hey, King of Knights. Did you just say that you would change fate? Does that mean you wish to change the past?

Indeed. Even if it is a wish that a miracle alone cannot fulfill, if the Holy Grail is truly omnipotent, it will


Emm, Saber... Surely you do not mean that you would erase the marks you, yourself, have left on history?

Indeed. Why should that bother you? Why do you laugh? The country that gave me my blade, to which I offered my life, was destroyed. Why should it be strange for me to find that sad?

Did you hear that, Rider? What that little girl, who names herself King of Knights, said? "To which I offered my life..." *laughs again*

Why is that humorous?! To ensure their country's prosperity, a king should make any sacrifice.

No. The king does not make offerings. The nation and the people, offer themselves to the king. not the reverse.

What? Those are a tyrant's words!

Just so. We are heroes because we are tyrants. However, Saber, if a king regrets their rule or its conclusion, that king is nothing but a fool. Even worse than a tyrant.

Iskandar, your reign ended with your heirs slain, and your empire dissolved into three parts. You have no regrets about that end?

None. Not if it came to pass by my judgement and my retainers' sacrifices... its destruction was inevitable. I shall grieve and I shall weep, but I shall never regret.


Let alone undo it! Such an act would be a mockery of all who fought with me!

Only warriors can find glory in destruction! Of what worth is a king who fails to protect the powerless? A just rule, with just laws... Those are the true duties of a king!

So you, the king, are a slave to what is right?

That is acceptable. A king is a martyr to their ideals.

That is not how a person should live.

If I rule the nation as a king, I cannot ask to live as a person. King of Conquerors, you seek the grail merely for your own benefit. you could never understand... You who became a ruler only to satisfy your endless greed.

A king without greed is even worse than a figurehead! Saber. You said you would martyr yourself for your ideals. In life, you must have been a pure saint. A proud and noble figure, certainly. But who can truly admire the martyr's thorny path? Who dreams of such an ending? A king... The king must be greedier than any other. He must laugh more loudly and rage for longer. He must exemplify the extreme of all things, good and evil. That is why his retainers envy and adore him. And why the flames of aspiration, to be as the king is, can burn within his people. Proud king of chivalry... The righteousness and ideals you bore may indeed have saved your nation once. However, I'm certain you know what became of those who were saved, but left to themselves.


You saved them, but you never led them. You never showed them what a king should be. You abandoned your men when they lost their way. Then, alone and untroubled, you followed your own pretty little ideals. Thus, you are no true king. you are only a little girl, enraptured by a false idol of the king who serves others, but not themselves.


Saber! Archer! Here is our banquet's final question. Must the king be alone?

The king must indeed be alone!

No, you don't understand at all. I suppose I'll have to show you exactly what a real king is. A king must live a grander life than any other's and embody his people's image of admiration! He who is worthy of all heroes' envy, and he who leads the way, is the king! Therefore, the king is not alone. For his will equals that of all his followers together!


So, which king do you prefer to be your king? Or which king do you prefer if you are the king?

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Pancasila... Belongs to whom?

Last Tuesday, we, 3rd grade senior high school students from IPEKA Puri Indah started our study tour to a village in Jogja, Turgo Village. We left Jakarta at 6 am and arrived at the village around 10 pm. The village was cold and dark. We lived in the villagers' house for two nights and did lots of activities there. I lived in Mr. Bambang's house, his wife is Mrs. Tuti and they have 2 children, Beti and Wawan. The food was very delicious, especially the spicy tomato sauce. I  talked with Mrs. Tuti quite a lot, she told me stories about the village. How they live simply and very close to each other. Even with the diversity between them, their religions, their job, etc. but their bonds are stronger. Once Mrs. Tuti told me that villagers helped other villagers with different religion build their worship places.
Sounded like the foundation of the lovely country, Pancasila, is in the villagers heart and mindset:
1. Ketuhanan yang Maha Esa. (Belief in the divinity of God)
2. Kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab. (Just and civilized humanity)
3. Persatuan Indonesia. (The unity of Indonesia)
4. Kerakyatan yang dipimpin oleh hikmat kebijaksanaan dalam permusyawaratan perwakilan. (Democracy guided by the inner wisdom in the unanimity arising out of deliberations amongst representatives)
5. Keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia. (Social justice for all of the people of Indonesia)

Then, I remember about the town I've lived in. Jakarta. It's like the contrary of Mrs. Tuti's story. Just a few know another, people are so passive and insensitive. What's worse is people can't accept diversities between them, some against others. Helping people from other religion build worship places?? Oh what happened is some people burned worship places from other religion. Everyone focus only to themselves. Such a grief.

Why? Jakarta is still in Indonesia, right?
Why can't I see Pancasila as the foundation for people especially in Jakarta?
Belongs to Indonesia? 
Belongs to some part of Indonesia? 
Belongs to whom?

My Bucket List

Have you ever seen the movie "Bucket List"?
Well, at school we watched it and was assigned to make our own bucket list before we finish high school.

So, here is my bucket list:
1. Create a new song
2. Make scores for the songs created
3. Open a bank account
4. Around Jakarta by TransJakarta with friends
5. Travel by train
6. Go to Salatiga, swim and see the sunrise from the top of the hill
7. Learn to ride motorcycle
8. Teach music
9. Teach school lessons to children
10. Try my best to enter UI, Universitas Indonesia (Indonesia University)
11. Finish at least one book given
12. Make jacket for peer group
13. Tattooed

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

We are we

A lot things has happened since I got into the second grade of senior high school
Things I didn't imagine would ever come to me,
They just happened
And I thought they made who I am now
Today, I realize that it's wrong

I become very aware of what I'm interested in lately
What I think, what I feel
are oriented to that which I'm interested in
I thought it is the reaction of the things happened

This morning, I looked back at the psychotest I had when I'm in the first grade of senior high school
And to my surprise, the result was really me
I thought I wasn't like me until those things since last year happened
But now I know
That I am who I am right from the beginning

And I think all of us are the same
When we think things around us make who we are
Maybe they don't
We are who we are
Things happen just to make us realize who we are

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Living the History

I never get really interested in history since little
I was so excited first, but then...
For  years, it's always the same
What we've learned, what we've known
That's all..

I've never wanted to know more
Because I thought it'd be boring
But that's the past
Now I know much more, and am excited to know much more

I've never known about the world's history
Hearing and seeing others know about it
Kinda made me envy, but also interested

The Century Trilogy by Ken Follet

Has been recommended for a quite long time
I thought I could never read it or even buy it
And now I just finished the first novel, Fall of Giants

It's a bit unbelievable to see it in my school's library -the first novel, that is-
And surprisingly they have 2 books of it -usually, there's only one book for this kind of book-
I tried to borrow the book 2 weeks ago
Unfortunately I have to wait until this Monday since I had mid-term test last week

And yes I learned history, and much more, of course
The life of people from many countries
Lots of point views from many sides
Ken Follet has nailed it into an incredible novel

Everything is felt by just reading
My imagination goes wild with all of the details
Many lessons I get from this book
Some which made my brain can't stop thinking about are..

This feeling I've felt
I guess every student in this world feel it too
The feeling that history lessons are being made up
For the sake of their own country
Only tells the good part and makes us blind to the bad part
Will it continue?
And what lessons had civilization for me? I learned that it ruled by creating classes and dividing people, by making some better than others.

-Virginia Dare, The Enchantress by Michael Scott p 80
It's taken from another book, but I believe that it's so true
I could see it clearly in FoG
Eventhough from a social democratic party like Bolshevik
A fundamentalism of any kind of belief is not good
I believe in it strongly

And so many more from reading this book

So many to think and to tell
I haven't get the right words for it
So I'll continue to the second book, Winter of The World

Now with many unpredictable things have happened in my life, I don't regret buying the second book without hesitation

And I hope I could tell more after finishing this one :)

PS: And I'm terribly excited about the third book that I just known the title, Edge of Eternity, and will be published toward the end of 2014


Wednesday, 4 Sep 2013

I had Character Building class
The topic is giving
We're given questions about it

Why do you give something to people?
What do you feel when you give something to people?
Do you believe that you'll be given more when you give something to people?
And so on...

And the end of the class, my friends and I were discussing about the questions given
That day, I didn't know I'd be hearing the answers the next Sunday

Sunday, 8 Sep 2013

I was in youth Sunday service
The sermon were answering those questions and it's real good
The topic is actually "Manage Your Money"
But it was more than just that

First of all, he said
Half truth is a whole lie. Half Gospel is not true gospel.
He read from the bible
"Sowing Generously"

2 Corinthians 9 : 6-11

6 Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.
7 Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
8 And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
9 As it is written: "He has scattered abroad his gifts to the poor; his righteousness endures forever."
10 Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.
11 You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.

Briefly, he said that all our money -etc.- are from God
We are not the owner of ours
God is
That's why we have to give it all back to God
By giving it to others

And, will we be given more if we give more?
Of course not, it's all God's not ours
What about verse 6?
John 4 : 37 gives the answer
Thus the saying 'One sows and another reaps' is true.
The context in 2 Corinthians is this
Corinthians were rich, Jerusalem needed help
So Paul wanted Corinthians to help Jerusalem
When Corinthians sowed generously -give more-
Jerusalem would reap generously -get more-

It opened my eyes
I've never known the context behind that passage
All I know is who gives more will get more, vice versa
It's all going back to the top
Half truth is a whole lie. Half Gospel is not true gospel.


Do you know the greatest gift a parent can give to a child?
Independence. To allow them go out into the world and make their own decisions, travel their own paths.
-Hekate, The Enchantress be Michael Scott, p 212

I believe that my parents is one of the protective parents
They were kind of a dictator when I was in Primary School -they still are, but just sometimes now-
They started to negotiate with us -me and my big brother- when I was in Junior High School
And now, I'm still in Senior High School btw, I could feel a bit of that independence

I also believe that my parents are approaching the ideal parents
Yes, they often make mistakes
But they're working real hard on it
Eventually, I really adore them as parents

I like cars, eventhough I don't like to know how it works or it's machines
I like to drive, I started to hold the wheels when I'm in third grade primary school and started to drive for real when I'm in the sixth grade
I made my car -my dad's car- hurt twice
Because of the second time, I stopped driving for almost 2 years
But then I drove again

I'm 17 and I've had a driving license
Until now, I've drove the car 5 times alone -well, I'm not really alone, but my dad weren't there so I count it as alone-
Maybe it seems natural
But for me, it's like a signal they've started to give me that independence

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Soli Deo Gloria!

Cantabile SKIPI Choir -my school's choir- has just won a GOLD MEDAL!!
We joined the high school category of a national choir competition held by BPK Penabur -a school in Jakarta-
Five international judges gave scores, and the Gold Medal will be given if it passes 80.
I had a hunch that we will get the Gold Medal, but in last place.
A friend felt that the score will be 0.5 pass 80.
It happened again!
We did get Gold Medal with a score of 80.50!!!

It's our first time in a national competition
Through all of the practice and the hard work
After all of the conflicts
The solidarity got stronger
We got Gold Medal

"We, Cantabile SKIPI Choir, has finished the 'battle' and are willing to present this glory of gold medal solely to God! Soli Deo Gloria!"
-Jonathan David (choir member)

Friday, September 13, 2013

So ein Pech

I feel terrible
I don't know...
These days, it has been overwhelming
All of my problems made me miserable and unfocused

My phone...
Just yesterday, at this time
I was trying to register a package for social media service
And it didn't work at all, how much I've tried

And today...
I made a terrible mistake
I had a little thought that I don't want to use the phone again
And it truly happened

I'm in my school choir and today we had a competition
I went to the location by taxi
And.. I simply lost it there
I've tried to contact the taxi, but still...

Well, I'm somehow don't really regret 'the lost'
It made me realize that we should be careful at what we think
But it also made me realize that... God is good
'The lost' is likely planned, and I didn't have to lose my money as well -I really couldn't register the package until the phone's gone-

What a day..

Monday, September 2, 2013

Consider Its Ways and Be Wise!

My QT this morning was taken from Proverbs 6 : 4-11
The devotion book was emphasizing about laziness and how we should not, we must not be lazy
A passage that is so popular is taken from Proverbs 6:6, about learning from ants

Today, I saw more than usual
I read again and again, that verse, also two verses after which is still related to verse 6
6 Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!
7 It has no commander, no overseer or ruler,
8 yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.
First of all, ants always make a community
Of course, you won't see an ant alone
They work together
Second, they know what they have to do (8)
They don't argue, they just doing their job happily
Third, no commander, no overseer or ruler (7)
They have responsibility

I remembered something when I think about these...
The Smurfs
Do you know it?
It's a comic made by Peyo
The stories are about a community of blue little things called smurfs
There, all of the smurfs have their own name
Such as Clumsy Smurf, Chef Smurf, Narrator Smurf, Baker Smurf, etc.
They are named by what they do
Isn't it similar with ants' life?
But, they do have a big difference
Papa Smurf exists in Smurf
He who become like a commander or ruler because he is wiser

Now let's imagine...
What's going to happen if humans do the ants' life?

As we now, ants are the same.
Are we, humans, the same?
I believe we are the same, we are humans
But does it stop here? I don't believe so
Smurfs are the same yet different, each one has his own 'particular job'
I believe humans are also different, each one has his own uniqueness
We may not have our own 'particular job', but more than that
Humans can do more than just 1 particular job and that makes them special
Then, humans without commander or ruler.
Human did not have commander or ruler, a long time ago
What if it happens now? A world without commander or ruler..

What do you think about it?
Consider its ways and be wise!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Enough is Enough

Today, I got a new meaning from that message

First of all, I'm glad to say that I am a Sunday school teacher now :D
And this afternoon, I joined the preparation class
One of the discussed topic is God's care in the desert
When the Israelite got out from Egypt
The passage I want to share were taken from Exodus 16, Manna and Quail
These are some verses that keep humming in my mind
4 ".... The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day. ...."
16 ".... 'Each one is to gather as much as he needs. ...."
18 ".... he who gathered much did not have too much, and he who gathered little did not have too little. Each one gathered as much as he needed."
21 "Each morning everyone gathered as much as he needed, ...."
35 "The Israelite ate manna forty years, until they came to a land that was settled; they ate manna until they reached the border of Canaan."
Yes, God took really good care of the Israelite in the desert
He provided enough for all of them, for each one of them
But what I see now that I didn't see when I read this passage in the past is
God also gave JUSTICE to the Israelite
Each one gathered enough, the same portion, an omer, not less nor more
That is what I got from that chapter

In the preparation class, I felt that they emphasized God's grace
And I didn't see any discussion about God's justice
For my surroundings who most of the children's family economic are in the middle and upper class
I think that God's care for them are abundant
I believe the children absolutely feel God's grace
But I wonder if they feel this justice that God has given

I believe it will be wonderful, if they become one...
God's grace and God's justice
These two types of teacher exists in my school
One, a teacher that gives all he got, without looking at the students' limit
Two, a teacher that teaches what he knows to the students' limit
They are good friends, yet have a contrary paradigm
One day, both of them joined a camp for teachers
And one of the preacher told them a phrase
Enough is enough
I was hoping teachers got the message well, especially the type one teacher
I know it is very good to teach what you've got
But sometimes, teachers have to know when to stop
It is stressing for students to be taught more than we could absorb
If you really want to teach more, my suggestion is make a club or something :D
Where you can really teach all you want, all you've got
To students who have genuine interest
That will hear and study all your teaching

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


When is the time you feel sooo alive??
Well, I feel that way when I laugh XD
Not just ordinary laugh, it's a laugh I rarely do
The time when you laugh until you can't
Until your voice vanished and your cheekbones hurt so good
And before you know it, you cry in your laughter

In my senior high school life, it has been a loong time since I laughed like this
And I actually did it yesterday morning, in biology class
Even though we would have a math test that afternoon
which I think is the reason that....
All of my classmate acted and answered the teacher unpredictably ridiculous
Until the teacher didn't know what to do anymore
It's just too noisy and funny
Too... alive!

It made my day despite of the s math test
I am thankful for this kind of class I am in
my tenth-grade class was also like this...
but I think this class would be much much more.. insane XD

Monday, August 19, 2013


That's what my friends use to call people who don't talk much, don't interact much with other people.
Anti-social. Anti sosial in Indonesian, ansos as brief.
I call them us, introverts.

Yes, I am one of them.
I don't talk much with many people.
Maybe I can, but in some times, I need to be alone.

One of my 'extrovert' friend suggested me to socialize myself.
Try to talk with , try to blend with other friends.
And I really have tried to do it.
But it is just.... not me.
As you may guess, I couldn't stay long in that position.

And then, one of my best friend gave a song for me to hear.
It's from Glee, titled You Have More Friends Than You Know.
It's a wonderful song, very touching.
It made me realize for the friends I have now.

And at last I thanked my 'extrovert' friend and declared that I am happy!
It's enough for me, with the hilarious friends and colorful life I have now.
Even though I know my friends, including me, are somewhat freaks! No kidding XP
We are just... who we are :)

Don't be afraid because your friends aren't much.
Cherish who you are with now
 It's gonna be okay, you have more friends than you know 

Saturday, August 17, 2013


Hari ini ialah hari ulang tahun Republik Indonesia yang ke-68, dan karena itu, saya akan menulis pos ini juga dalam Bahasa Indonesia.

Dalam hari yang penuh semangat ini, saya akan membagikan pendapat saya tentang lagu kebangsaan Indonesia yang penuh arti...

"Indonesia Raya"
Lagu nasional menceritakan kehidupan bangsa.
Saya senang sekali dengan lagu nasional Indonesia yang diadopsi dari lagu "Indonesia Raja" (ejaan lama) ini.
Terima kasih W. R. Supratman atas jasanya menciptakan lagu yang membanggakan ini.

Saya pernah diberitahukan bahwa lagu kebangsaan Indonesia berbeda dari lagu-lagu kebangsaan yang lain, dan setelah saya mendengarnya, saya sangat setuju dengan pernyataan tersebut!
Lagu ini memiliki musikalitas yang beragam, jika kita dengar di awal lagu, melodi yang digunakan naik lalu turun - naik lalu turun, tetapi secara keseluruhan nada tersebut naik seolah-olah ingin memperkenalkan kita kepada Indonesia. Dilanjutkan dengan melodi yang dinamis  di tengah yang membawa kita memuncak di refrain. Refrain dengan nada yang tinggi membuat lagu ini megah, kata-katanya juga memberi semangat dan ikut memberi kesan kebanggaan.

Saya sangat bangga ketika menyanyikan lagu ini, perasaan saya berkobar dan penuh semangat.
Perasaan sedih juga terasa mengingat keadaan negeri ini sekarang.
Tetapi Indonesia tetaplah negeri yang sangat saya cintai dan banggakan!!
Saya tidak akan menyerah untuk memajukan bangsa ini, meskipun hanya beberapa cm saja.


Thursday, August 8, 2013

Moving Forward

I was reading Michael Scott's "The Magician (The Secrets of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel)". I have read this book for a long time now but I haven't finished it. The last time I read this book was about... 4 or 5 months ago?! And the story then was so exciting, full of magic and mysteries. The life of the twins, Sophie and Josh (main character in the book) were completely changed by the encounter with Nicholas Flamel and Perenelle. Since they have been told they were special, their life had become very adventurous and dangerous.

The following chapter, which I read just now, was a dialog of the twins. Josh was checking his emails (after a few days because his laptop was destroyed in one of the battles), there were emails from their worried parents (who were archaeologists that traveled around the world and haven't known what has happened) and much more. They talked and laughed like ordinary people, like they used to, before all of those things happened. The twins really enjoyed that time. Josh actually felt close to his sister again. He was scared of his sister sometimes since her sister's powers awakened, he even didn't know his sister once before. There, I really felt how they felt.

Remembering the old times, before all happened, before the time started to felt much faster than it was. Such a nice life, isn't it? But the fact is... It has happened, all the things in their life, all the things in our life. And what we can do now is... keep moving forward. Because...

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I don't have any purpose writing this, maybe it is just a way to let out my frustration.
To be honest, I'm pretty happy today!
I went to school, had a PE test and biology practicum.
After that, I left other classes to make driver licence!
I have waited for this since my birthday and at last I made it!

There is a task that I skipped, well.. I didn't actually skip it..
So.. I was supposed to give my receipt to the man and he keep it for sometime, then he'd call my name, give the receipt and I'd do the next task.
But what happen was.. The queue was empty when I gave my receipt so the man didn't keep it and gave it back to me directly. But what I know is I was supposed to be called, so I waited.. and waited.. until an hour passed!! Then, I began to wonder why my name wasn't called for long, and the next minute I realized that I could have done the next task from an hour before!
This incident really annoyed me, I was really disappointed for not realizing it earlier.

When I arrived, I saw my friend in front of my house, brought a pile of papers that was really familiar to me, the proposal.
-At school, there is a really big project that is held by all of the grade 12 students. I was chosen to be the secretary that handle all of the letters including "the proposal"-
She told me the errors and have to be corrected, plus printed for tomorrow. More work to do

Not more than an hour after that, I have to go to my Germany course so I brought my laptop with me.
Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my cellphone and it was really frustrating!
Thank God for wifi and the library which has wifi!
I corrected the errors while going there and as soon as I arrive, I immediately searched for wifi and sent the proposal to my friends to be checked.
Break time! I checked my email and there was no response.. Oh man, tonight will be another long night..

Home sweet home! Cellphone sweet cellphone! Wifi sweet wifi!
At last there was a response..
I made a few revision, and even though it was not finished because the incompleteness of the data, I stopped.
I sent it to my friends and leave it to them for printing -I run out of ink because of that proposal- so I could continue to study... biology
Yes, I do have a test tomorrow.. I really hope my mind could still work tomorrow.

P.S. Well, this is about yesterday. I write this until it's today. Do you get what I mean?

Monday, July 29, 2013

My Journey at Junior Alley

There are many paintings -17 to be exact after the last 2 paintings- I made when I'm a Junior Alley. And I will show some of them that was really memorable to me :)

Lightning Dragon - 22 September 2011
Well, I took the model from a game that I played, DragonFable -well, I will post about this later on XD-.

Dining Out - 5 October 2011
I had difficulties painting this one, and that's the first time I asked for help and there I met my becoming mentor, DR2.

Parrot's Pirate - 11 October 2011
There are auctions with themes, and that time, the theme was pirates. I was confused what to draw but at last I thought of something ridiculous, that is the Parrot's Pirate.

Pretty Face - 15 October 2011
This was a PBN I chose and it was really challenging. Well, if you look and the real reference picture, this is was different from it, but I was shocked back then. So, a famous artist made a blog and he showcased paintings in the blog. He wrote a forum for all to suggest which paintings to be showcased that month. And yes, that month someone suggested this painting and it became one of the showcased paintings. I was extremely happy!

Friday, July 12, 2013


I played an online game in the past called Audition -in Indonesia, it's Audition Ayodance-. I believe most of you haven't known it, so it's a dancing game from Korea, here's some of the screenshots I still have XD
As you can see, that's my character! o--FruiT-Tea--o was the name, but we could change our names by buying something lol! The 7th name I used -XP- was Zwischen-spieL. I forgot how I picked that name. I haven't learnt German at the time -fyi I am learning German now because I want to study music there! =D- so I guess it's a lucky pick!

Yesterday, I attended my German course and I learn the word zwischen which means between. It reminded me of my character name Zwischen-spieL. I wonder if there is a meaning for it.. So then I asked uncle Google and my hunch was right! It does have a meaning. In German, zwischen means between, spiel means game, match -and those similar things- and zwischenspiel means intermezzo, interlude -it's a music term when there is music instrumental between repeated songs or 2 songs combined-. I can't believe it! It was such a coincidence -well, I've heard that there are no coincidence in this world XD- that I chose the word as my character name in the past!

As I recall, I do love to hear interludes because I think the expression of one's music comes out there whatever the songs are and I find those interludes interesting because we could see the uniqueness of every musician within the short period.

Oh how I love music even more!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Becoming a Junior at Artistic Alley

As I posted before, I got mail from LS7 -lol, nickname mode on :v- and was invited to join Artistic Alley! -Junior section, of course- I was really happy and excited! After entering the world of arts, I realized that it is a really famous community!
If you didn't open the link directing to the forum thread above, briefly it's the community where you can develop your painting with PBN -Paint By Number- programme. There, we're given reference pictures and we could pick one and start painting! After you finished, you can take another reference picture.. but!! it's limited, sooo you have to be quick because someone else could take what you want! Also, if you have trouble, there are mentors who can help you! The paintings that were made will be auctioned and you can earn money! XP

Let's continue, for the first time auctioning, I hanged 2 paintings

In His Time - 14 September 2011
Actually, this is a double board painting -you could see it, right?-, I searched the reference picture myself, the background was totally different but I'm pretty glad with those hands.

Mickey and The Letter - 18 September 2011
This painting is my first PBN! All this time, I haven't known the function of the drawing application, so I still use 100% opacity in all of my paintings but I guess it was the reason why this painting turns out well! I did make a lot of money in this one, I was quite shock myself XD!

More paintings

Back to SW! After those 3, I painted 2 more paintings

Young Natsu Dragneel - 3 September 2011
I loved Fairy Tail and this is the main character. I chose this scene because I taught Natsu was cute (I haven't known Laxus at the time so... XD)

Atlantic Dolphin - 6 September 2011
I searched for a reference picture and at last I drew this. It's very amateur but I'm actually glad. Nothing wrong with practicing, right?

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Mary's Song

I joined a camp for youth community in my church and at the second day, I did my morning devotion. Actually there was a guide for the morning devotion but I didn't take it because I didn't know XD! So, I ended up reading a different passage than it should be.

Luke 1: 46-56
"Mary's Song"

I was quite shock when I first read it because even though it's about Mary and it seems common to hear passages from Luke (like in preaches or cell groups sharing), I've never heard this passage been exposed before, it's like reading for the first time for me. I wonder why..
This passage actually gave me such enlightenment. I've known that Mary was still so young when she got the good news, but seeing her rejoicing in the passage really amazed me of how she think and feel -it's not like an ordinary girl would think-.

First, I could see how happy and humble she was and how she lifted God up so high!
46 And Mary said:
"My soul glorifies the Lord
47 and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
48 for he has been mindful
of the humble state of his servant.
From now on all generations will call me blessed,
49 for the Mighty One has done great things for me-
holy is his name.
50 His mercy extends to those who fear him,
from generation to generation.

Then, I could see how the virgin really cared for others
51 He has performed mighty deeds with his arm;
he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts.
52 He has brought down rulers from their thrones
but has lifted up the humble
53 He has filled the hungry with good things
but has sent the rich away empty
I couldn't stop thinking how Mary could see this in a very young age. It's not like what people would think, it's not like what I would think XD, but honestly.. it really amazed me and made me realize that it is true! Mary has seen it! The core of salvation! Like what happened to Israel:
54 he has helped his servant Israel,
remembering to be merciful
55 to Abraham and his descendants forever,
just as he promised our ancestors."

Getting this much at the morning devotion, I couldn't stop rejoicing God! And I think again what have I done all this time. Being from a well-off family and surroundings, did I see others below me below me?
What were my reactions when I meet them?
What did I think about them?
I changed my perspective and also made a commitment about how I will react in my future life.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

My First 3 Paintings

Well, as I wrote in the previous post, I posted a thread on the Marketplace section of the SW forums. These are the three first paintings I made. I made it in July - August 2011.

Music Girl
I used a ref pic (reference picture) for the girl in the painting and I added the musical notes. This is my first attempt in painting, it took 3 days to finish.

Awaking Angel in the Night Sky

I also used a ref pic for this painting. It took days for me to paint the wings!

Samurai Siluet

I didn't use a ref pic for this painting. I was inspired by the samurais I saw in animes but I think this picture didn't really come out as I imagined XD. Well, this is my second painting actually. I painted my original one but then I clicked the wrong button and it's gone D: !! So, I repainted it but this painting is not as good as the original one.


I love to draw, to paint! Especially drawing animes XD. Well, but in my high school there are no art -I mean art like painting or drawing- subject. I was really sad about it but luckily my friend introduce me to this game, SmallWorlds.

Smallworlds is a 3D virtual reality game, where you can do things like missioning, meeting friends, playing together (chess, fastdraw, etc.), playing in an arena, etc. There are skills with levels and tokens (the currency) to earn. It also has gold as currency but you have to pay in real life to get it.
So, my friend actually introduced me to SW when we're in junior high -I've been playing since Feb 2009- but I was into it since I had the long holiday after the junior high school national exams.

First, I was into it because I like missioning. I looked at the forum and tried so many good missions. Most of the story lines are touching and I'm impressed by how the mission makers made the missions so real. Then I joined the mission community and leveled up my skills fast.

Then, something caught my eyes. Yes! It is the canvas! I thought "Oh why did I just realize that I could paint here now?!" XD. So I tried to make paintings from the canvas and post it on the forum -for the first time, I just wanted to make money so I post in the Marketplace section lol-. The next day, I got an unexpected mail! It was from an artist, a famous artist in SW and she invited me to join an art community named Artistic Alley. I was extremely happy and I immediately said yes! So I became a member of Artistic Alley Junior since I was just an amateur. There, I developed my painting skills quickly. I befriended with many amazing artists all over the world and I even had a mentor from Australia! I will post the paintings in other posts because each painting has its own story and it's too long to write it all here!

PS. Well, at first, I made a boy character -lol, I do love making boy characters in games- named Van Samuel. And for the signature, I used the word VeL -you can see them in the paintings later-. But as the time goes by, after I made many paintings I felt uneasy so I made a girl character but as the signature is VeL, so I decided to name her Vanessa Gabrielle XD

Sunday, May 19, 2013

♫ About Us ♫

This is a school project for music and english subject. The tasks are: create a song with english lyrics, arrange the song, perform the song live, and make a music video from the song. My group consists of 9 people with me as the leader. I chose 4 girls and 4 boys as my teammate.

At the first week, we all were tasked to make lyrics and I must choose the best 2 from them and give it to the teacher, then he will decide which lyrics we have to make the song with. So, we picked a lyric and for a week, I asked my other friend to work and finish the lyric.

Then, we started to make the melody. I had so many ideas and references in mind that I didn't know where to start. At last, my friend gave an idea for the first melody part and I accepted it, then I just continue to make variations within my mind. The first melody part that my friend had given was inspired by "Good Time" and I made a view modifications for the last chords of the part. After that I made the melody for the chorus first, I was inspired by "Everything To Me" for the transposition part. At last, I made the melody for the pre-chorus part. I was advised by my friend to make the melody sounds happy XD and he recommend "Luvly, Merry-Go-Round" song from an anime, so I did.

The next part is to arrange the song. I was very passionate and wanted the best for this song, so I kinda made it hard and complex. Each of us had to play a music instrument besides vocal XD. And I realize that's hard, but I still go with it. Good thing a had a friend that's good in music too, so he helped me arranging the song. The music instruments are as you can see at the video below: piano, bass, guitar (rhythm and melody), guitar (rhythm), cajon, maracas -I don't know the exact name for it-, triangle, gallon, voice (rap).

Last two week, we record the sound in a music studio owned by a senior student and last week, we asked our teammate's brother (a senior student too) to help with the video. And so, this is the music video! Enjoy :D
There are a few mistakes from this video :
1. We're the first group, not the third from our class.
2. There's a teammate missing: Pamela as a percussionist (cajon).
3. We forgot to put the names of the creator:
  • Music: Gaby and Florence
  • Lyrics: Pamela and Fenny
  • Arrangement: Gaby and Irvan
About Us

You're always there on the bench sitting next to me
Talking to each other, wondering what our life will be
You're always there listening to me
When no one else does

As time goes by
We realize that we've always been together
And as time flies
The past will go just like the shadow following us behind

Time goes as we will never aware of
We've got to be what we're meant to be
In time when our life change
We will always be friends... Forever

Time flies, season change
And by the end of the year, we all know we gonna leave
Walking on our pavement, leaving each other, chasing our dream
But the chain of friendship won't break us down

Last Friday, we performed this song live. The teacher said that this is one of the most well composed song from all classes. I was lying if I said I wasn't proud of it XD. This is one of my first steps of living my dream.
Thank you God!
Thank you all of my teammates who already worked soooo hard for this and kept supporting each other.
Thank you our music and english teacher who gave us such project XD.
Thank you for all who has been our inspirations.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Morning Jog

This morning, I jogged with my friend as a practice for my school PE exam. Her house is in different block but not too far from my house. I woke up and go there at 5. My friend's mom was shocked when she saw me alone because she knew my house is quite far by foot and it was still very early and dark to go there alone. Well, at that point I realized that I am braver than most of my friends but seriously, I feel very safe to go there around the blocks alone.
Then my friend and I jog within her block for around half an hour. She felt really tired. Well, me too, but I still got stamina to jog again to my house after I accompanied her back to her house.

I listened to music while jogging and it was much easier that way. I just realized that my feet kept on jogging with a pace while my breathing was controlled by the rhythm of the music. So my feet and breathing is not in one harmony but it was both controlled. When I jogged at school yesterday, I didn't listen to music so my breathing is controlled by my steps and it made me tired quickly.

This morning, when we finished jogging and returned to her house, the sun started to rise and so did my spirit. I faced the sunrise when I jogged back to my house. I passed her block's guard, I passed few man who morning walked, I also passed some women who walked -to the market, I guess-. I can't help to smile to them, and they smiled back. I really love it to see people smiling. Well, maybe it is normal. But it really made my day!

So SMILE! Maybe you will make someone else's day by smiling!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Pay it Forward!

I and my class were given a project at school. It's for the leadership class. The project is "Pay it Forward!"
Some of you may have watched it. Well, I haven't watched it myself. But from the stories I heard, it was so touching. It's about a child who try to help 3 people, and then those people he helped help 3 others, and so on.

If you know the culture in my country, Indonesia, especially Jakarta, it's not easy -in fact, it's rather hard- to do pure kindness to people around. Most of the people will think "what's the motive behind what they are doing?" or maybe they will use the event for their own purpose.
So, even though we had so many ideas, at last we chose to give flowers and bookmarks.
Our targets are those who work in our neighborhood, who are in the hospital, who are in the mall and who work there too.
I wish I could come too and give flowers to them, but unfortunately I had a program so I couldn't be there. I was participating in designing the bookmarks.

So, this is the video! It's in Bahasa but I already asked my friend to put the translation in as well. As you can see, there are rejections as well in this video. But we're very happy because most of the people accept what we do, I personally am very happy too seeing those excited and delightful faces! And we hope they could pay it forward!

Monday, April 22, 2013

New Age, New Post

Yes! Today is my birthday.
My seventeenth birthday exactly.
And this is also my seventeenth post exactly!

I can't tell how happy I am today!!!
The birthday greetings
The surprise and gifts
The gathering in my house

The greetings came from eeeaarly in the morning
Even from yesterday!
I'm quite surprised some who usually don't sleep late greeted at the dawn
The surprise at school
Surprising and being surprised with my best friend who had her birthday yesterday XD
Given what I always wanted, a tablet!
The feast that was being held in my house
The gathering with my friends
The unexpected happened, it supposed to end at 5 but one of my best friend thought it started at 5!

It was really fun! I'm so grateful!
Thank You God! Thank you all!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Petals of Life

I always love seeing flowers.
These flowers that grow at my garden are my favorite!
They are so unique and beautiful
Just look at those petals
Different petals, combined in harmony
And one afternoon this flower was blooming

As I looked closer to this flower
The more beautiful it became
The harmony from the petals
Purple and soft mixture of purplish-white petals

Just like our life
The harmony of dynamics in our life
Happiness, sadness, confusion
Pleasure, pain, struggle

The purple between the whites
It happens in life too
Inside a community, there must be some people who walk in a different path
Conflicts, contradictions, rebellions

Harmony in life
Petals of life

Friday, April 19, 2013

Pinoko's Faith

Black Jack, a high-skilled surgeon but his license was revoked despite his patient's life. He then chose to operate from the shadows.
Pinoko is BJ's assistant. She came from a terratoid cystoma -she supposed to have twin, but she didn't grow up and she lived in her sister's body as a tumor- and was saved by BJ. You can watch the story in BJ episode 44.

For me, there is a most memorable scene from all of Black Jack animes -Black Jack or Black Jack 21-.

Taken from BJ21 episode 3.
BJ was told to be dead, but Pinoko didn't believe it. Then she was adopted by Saeki Hospital's director but she didn't like it. She still searched for BJ. At last she found him, while operating himself in his former teacher's house. She helped him finishing the operation, but then an assassin walked in. BJ managed to stop him and he was killed by another sniper because he failed to kill BJ.
The scene is a dialog between BJ and Pinoko after the assassin was killed.

Now go back to Saeki Hospital

I won't do it!

You can't stay with me.
Please understand.

I won't go back, even if you beg me to.



And Pinoko did stay with BJ after this, traveled around the world to find the truth behind BJ's family. And even though it's hard, Pinoko still followed him 'til the end :)

Looking at Pinoko's faith and actions.
Isn't it somehow similar to Christianity?
Not only God has given me life, but He also gave His own life.
And as Pinoko stated to use all of her life for BJ, so am I for Christ.
The next step for me is to follow Christ 'til the end although it's tough;
Like Pinoko did!

Monday, April 15, 2013


It was very hard, this big responsibility.
Most of them don't care about their own responsibilities anymore.
Nothing is on time.
In fact, nothing seems right...

"Are you lonely being in that position?"
Well, no, I'm not lonely.
This is true, because even it was very hard, there are still a few people who support me.
And I mean, really few -you could count it with one of your hands-.
But, that's more than enough for me.

Yesterday, I was strengthen in my QT (quiet time).
The passage was taken from Isaiah 6:8-13.
It was about Isaiah who was sent to tell His words to the people.
People that won't listen to him.
But Isaiah still did the mission;
Even though he would look fail in human's eyes.
And he succeed!
Not in human's eyes, but in God's eyes.
He was faithful to the end.

That reminded me about my own responsibility, my mission.
I might fail in my own eyes.
But I won't give up!
God has given me so much;
I will do my best to be faithful 'til the end!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

~Get Backers

Those who have seen my previous posts must have known that this is..
The very first anime I watched!

I still remembered I watched this at my cousin's house. Since that day, I became very interested in anime! Of course, it is because of the lightning Ginji has. Believe me, he was so cool! The main plot is about two people (Ginji and Ban, abbreviated as GB, Get Backers) who work together to get back things that was stolen. After a while, I knew the characters in the anime. And I really liked a character, Kazuki Fuuchoin.

Guess what, she he is a boy XD. In the story, he came from a clan and in that clan, every kid is treated like a girl, so... No wonder he became like that! His power is quite unique. He uses strings, very thin strings but in a very gentle way. Yet he's very strong. He is also very elegant and smart, and gentle -feminine?-!! And his hair is sooo long! I wanted to make my hair that long, but.. it will never ever happen I guess XD

My favorite episode of this anime is episode 39! The title is "Ginji Hospitalized". Well, for whoever knew the characters in this anime, I really recommend this episode if you never watched it. It was sooo funny and exciting, all of the characters gather here and.... You should watch this yourself. I always LOL even though I've watched it several times XD

Well, I just watch the anime for this. I don't read the manga. Okay maybe I have read a little but it's said that it is for 18+ and after I know it is true, I stop reading it lol!
Here's a picture of it, just chibis though!
Top (from left): Ginji, Ban, Kazuki
Bottom (from left): Shido, Akabane, Makubex, Jubei

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Kuro Neko!

Well, this post is just about my life.
I don't make a lot of friends, it's actually quite hard for me to make friends.
But I do have friends in groups, real friends to me.
I have several peer groups -well, I think there are only 2 actually-.
The one I want to share in this post is Kuro Neko!? LOL
Well, it's not actually the exact name of the peer group but...
It has the story of course :)

The story began when we haven't met, years ago...
Animax -an anime channel on TV- was only a new channel at that time.
I was obsessed with it! XD
Once, I saw an advertisement of animax on one of the guard house near my house.
The anime in the advertisement was Black Cat.
I watched it even though I don't really understand the story.
Well, it was cool!!
Train Heartnet, the main character with the number XIII (13) on his chest, carrying his gun everywhere.
But I missed several episodes and I couldn't catch up anymore...
But at least I know the big picture of the anime hehe.

The story continued two years ago, I met my new classmates and became close, just close.
And last year, the five of us are not in the same class.
In fact, we are all separated except there are 2 boys who are in the same class.
I don't know how, but we ended up studying together for the final exams.
At my house, where then we watched animes too.
We became closer, and I mean real close.

That's when it began..
We made a group in our cell phones to communicate easier.
At first we were confused about the name.
And then, we all remembered...
The advertisement, which is still there on the guard house after about maybe 8 or 9 years XD
So we decided to call our group Kuro Neko.
Which is of course a Japanese word that means Black Cat.
It consists five of us, 2 girls and 3 boys.
And then another boy friend joined in the group.

After some time, our phones started to grumble.
So just a few days ago, we made a new group!
The name is Neko's Tail (cat's tail).
Well, the Tail is from Fairy Tail, an anime we all watched too.
-next time we make a new group, I will suggest the name Neko no Tsubasa (cat's wings)! LOL-

I am very grateful and happy with these friends I have.
Our passion about anime, Japanese, games, etc. could be seen bluntly.
Not just that, but all conversations were there too.
And there, I could just be who I am.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Fire, earth, air, water.
Four basic elements we all know.
It is always there in games, animes, imaginative stories, etc.
I like it too, elements and those kind of things.

Of course, I have my own favorite element I imagine to have XD
But it is not one of the basics I have mentioned.
It's something different, something that is soooo cool and very attractive for me.
And it has not changed since I was maybe about seven ?!
Yes, it is...


The light, the sound, the trembling feeling it has made.
It just amaze me.

I do not really know, maybe one of the reason I like it is because the main character from the first anime I watched in animax -it is a anime channel on TV- has power the of lightning. But when I think about it again, it seems that I already love it long before I watched the anime.
I do love lightning, I mean the real ones.

Because of that, I became very interested when I saw anime characters with lightning power.
A couple of examples:

  • Ginji Amano from Get Backers (the one I mention before, my first anime to watch)
  • Laxus Dreyar from Fairy Tail
  • Nue from Air Gear
  • etc.

But the one that really gave influence is Ginji, the Lightning Emperor, leader of VOLTS. Oh, you have to see it for yourself! I remembered once he fought in the rain and because of his lightning power, the rain drops just stopped! Very imaginative, isn't it?

Well, I'd love to have these powers.
I do have it actually, in my dreams.
Back to Gilgamesh's quote, right?

Saturday, March 30, 2013

My name is カラス

Watashi no namae wa カラス desu
My name is ka-ra-su.
カラス in Japanese means crow literally.

Why Japanese?
Well, it is just... because I love the language lol!

But why? Why crow?
Because.. It is my name -not really lol-.
I am Indonesian.
My name is G.......A G....A K...... -hiding my real name, lol!-
Therefore, the acronym of my name is GAGAK as I capitalize above.
In Indonesian, gagak means crow.

Since I was little, I used to address myself as crow which everyone see in not a good way.
Maybe, people see crow as a sign of bad luck.
Their voice are also terrible, moreover they like to steal silver things, etc.
But for me, crows are not that bad.
Crows do not compete with us about food.
On the contrary, they help us to eat what we want to get rid of.

Well, I am not a crow maniac actually, but they are interesting enough.
In my eyes, crows are unique.
They may look bad in front of people's eye, but inside they help people.
-Just my thoughts though-