Monday, August 19, 2013


That's what my friends use to call people who don't talk much, don't interact much with other people.
Anti-social. Anti sosial in Indonesian, ansos as brief.
I call them us, introverts.

Yes, I am one of them.
I don't talk much with many people.
Maybe I can, but in some times, I need to be alone.

One of my 'extrovert' friend suggested me to socialize myself.
Try to talk with , try to blend with other friends.
And I really have tried to do it.
But it is just.... not me.
As you may guess, I couldn't stay long in that position.

And then, one of my best friend gave a song for me to hear.
It's from Glee, titled You Have More Friends Than You Know.
It's a wonderful song, very touching.
It made me realize for the friends I have now.

And at last I thanked my 'extrovert' friend and declared that I am happy!
It's enough for me, with the hilarious friends and colorful life I have now.
Even though I know my friends, including me, are somewhat freaks! No kidding XP
We are just... who we are :)

Don't be afraid because your friends aren't much.
Cherish who you are with now
 It's gonna be okay, you have more friends than you know 

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